PC has not shared a list of PCVs and staff who served in the NMI. Following is the list we are creating. A special thanks to RPCVs, Fay Nelson Giordano, Kurt Barnes, Robert Bartolotta, Jeanne Bolger Olopai, Helena Telena, Rosemary Casey, Wayne Hill, Ralph Chumbley, Gerry Milkie, Tom Zink, Scott Russell, Marty & Barbara Lentz who have compiled/improved parts of this content. Please send your corrections & additions. We would like to include PC Group, PCV name, assignment and location. For NMI PC Staff & Trainers-job title, Micro Group(s) or dates. May 12, 2020 we began adding links to memorials/obituaries & personal statements sent to us.
Content Below is Incomplete: last updated 4/04/2022
+ Memorial/Obituary linked to names in blue
Betsy Miller (PC Directory rc) Micro?
Jason & Mary E. Nason 1977-78 (PC Directory) Micro?
Chuck Sayon (PC Directory rc) Micro?
Chris & MarylouTodd, Tinian Micro?-look at PC list
Bob Learmonth, Rota
+ Carol Waldrip, TESL on Pagan grades 1-6 and all subjects.
Dave Drake, TESL Chalan Kanoa School, Saipan ?
Dennis O'Neill, was reassigned to a different district & later drafted after appeals denied
Denise Shipp, TESL Chalan Kanoa School, Saipan ?
Fred Blake, TESL grades 1-6 and all subjects, Agrigan
Freddie Been, was reassigned to another district
Gerry Milkie, TESL, math & science at Hopwood High School. 2nd year also taught trig at Mt. Carmel HS Saipan
Jack Colbourn, TESL and Community Development, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan ?
Jim Tellefson, TESL Chalan Kanoa School, Saipan?
Joe Greene, TESL grades 6-9, Math & PE, Tinian
Joyce Anderson, TESL San Roque School, Saipan
Linda Chock Blake, TESL grades 1-3 and all subjects, Agrigan
Marian Stave, TESL Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
Mary McComb, TESL grades 4&7, Curriculum Coordination & Reading, Oleai School, Saipan.Went to Kenya after PC
Mary Goetting, TESL Garapan
Maura Milkie, TESL grade 2 & Curriculum Coordination, Chalan Kanoa School, Saipan
Nancy Elfter, TESL San Antonio School, Saipan
Paul Anderson, TESL San Roque School, Saipan
Scott Foreman, TESL grade 7, PE & School Paper, Chalan Kanoa School, Saipan
Sue Learmonth, TESL grade 7&8, Social Studies & Curriculum Coordination, Rota
Tom Elfter, TESL San Antonio School, Saipan
Wayne Waldrip, TESL grades 1-6 and all subjects, Pagan
Training Language Instructors
Felipe Atalig, Congress ofMicronesia
Felipe Ruak, KJQR radio announcer
Francisco Camacho
Francisco Chong
Francisco M. Diaz
Margaret Seman, nurse
Terry Togawa
Chuck Ronsheimer
Joe Tillotson
John Phillips, Architect, Saipan (Is this the correct group?)
Steve Parker, Saipan, Lawyer with Marianas District Legislature (not sure)
Mary Jackson, Saipan --not sure of group, previously PCV Turkey
Tom Jackson, Saipan --not sure of group. previously PCV Turkey
Alan Nathan, TESL, Business Ed., College of Guam, Hopwood School, Saipan
Bill Foster. Teacher, Saipan
Kenneth Porter, Lawyer, Saipan
Kit Foster. Teacher, Saipan
Kurt Barnes , ESL & PE teacher, Chalan Kanoa Elem. School. Coach Oleai Women’s Softball team,Saipan
Marty Butler, TESL, PE & Counseling Work-Study, Hopwood, Saipan
Ray Stewart. Lawyer, Saipan
Rose Hultz. Secretary, Saipan
Sally Porter, Assessment & Elem. Teacher Supervisor, Saipan
Training Language Instructors
Felix F Rabauliman
Frank Chong
Herman R Guerrero
-Mark Chambers, ESL Chalan Kanoa
Al Snyder,
Ann Snyder (Jean Snyder in 2/15/68 memo: TESL grades 3,4, &7 Chalan Kanoa, Saipan)
Gene Sloan Rota, Saipan, Truk
Lee Toth, Instructor at CCM Nursing School, Saipan
Tom Toth, TESL grades 5-7, Oleai School, Saipan
Events: Typhoon Gilda Oct 1967, Typhoon Jean April 1968, MicrOlympics July 1969
Anne Doorn, TESL grades 4&5, music & library, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
Arthur Mergist, TESL grades 3&4 San Roque-Tanapag, Saipan
Barb Milosovich, TESL & Secretarial Studies, Hopwood, Saipan
Betty Carlson Morris, TESL grade 3, Curriculum Coordination, & CAA Work Study, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
+ Carlos/Carl Viti, Journalist, Saipan (Carlos in 1970s publications; Carl in 1996 memorial
In memo: TESL grades 4,6,7, Chalan Kanoa & Reporter "Marianas Bulletin"
Carol Brill Herrera, TESL grades 2&4, Curriculum Coordination, CAA Work Study Mt
Carmel, Saipan
Carol Mihalko TESL grades 1-4 & Home Arts, Tinian (check if location correct)
Charlene Baldwin, TESL, Saipan San Roque-Tanapag
Owen Baldwin, ESL Saipan San Roque-Tanapag
Dan Doorn, TESL grades 4&5, PE, Art, CAA Work Study, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
Dennis Brennan, TESL, Pagan (check: listed for Hopwood grades 6&7)
Dianne Wildman, ESL teacher Chalan Kanoa School & Hopwood. Also traveling puppet theater,Saipan
Dwight Ovitt, Saipan (PC Directory says 66-68)
Elayne Halpern Shapiro, TESL grades 1-3, Curriculum Coordination & Reading, Oleai School,Saipan
Greg Porter, TESL grades 3,4,&5, Rota
Jane Dickey Pidgeon, TESL grade 2, Music & Library, Chalan Kanoa SchoolSaipan
John Leekley, TESL grades 5&6, Chalan Kanoa. Congress of Micronesia, Saipan
June Kirkpatrick, TESL grades 1,4,5,&6, Language Arts, Math & Music Garapan, Saipan
Karen Oswald, TESL grades 3&4 & CAA Counseling, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
Kit Porter (Van Meter), TESL grades 1,2,6 ,Curriculum Coordination, library, Rota
Marie Leekley, TESL grades 5-7, Curriculum Coordination, Demo Teacher, CAA Work Study,
Hotel Training, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
Norm Shapiro, Photographer, Saipan
P. Fred Kluge, Journalist, Saipan
Richard Baldwin, TESL, Saipan
Stephen Gardner, Saipan
Stu Meyers, TESL grades 1,2,4 Chalan Kanoa & College of Guam, Saipan
Teresa Maebori, TESL grades 1-3, Oleai School, Saipan
Wayne Hill, TESL grades 4-7, Oleai School, Saipan
Training Language Instructors
Ana Cabrera
Felix Rabauliman
Frank Warakai
Juan Lizama
Luis Tenorio
Maria Mafnas
Pedro Nakatsukasa, left early
Ramon Villagomez, left early
Training Staff (very incomplete)
Carole M
Gerry Milkie, PCV Micro I
Lee Toth, staff nurse. PCV Micro IV
Maura Milkie, PCV Micro I
Sam Duval
Tom Toth, Micro IV
PC Marianas Staff
Jerry Fite, Director
Dr Thomas Haverbush, Physician
Frank Chong, Assistant
Barbara Milesevich, Volunteer Secretary
Ron McDougal, Saipan-ESL Hopwood (1967-68) and Agrigan(1968-1970). Employed on Saipan-TT Dept of Ed 1970-1974
Ruth McDougal Dorrough, Saipan-Instructor of Nursing ( (1967-68) and Agrigan-Teacher and nurse
(1968-1970)). Mother on Saipan-not PCV 1970-1974
Steve Sander, Rota, lawyer, NMI Judicary 8/31/67 to 2/20/69;
Pam Sherer, Rota, nurse. 8/31/67 to 2/11/69
Jim Sherer, Rota, Agriculture 8/31/67 to 2/11/69
Dwight Ovitt, Saipan 8/31/67 to 7/29/69
Alyce Koprowski, TESL, Tinian
Andrew Pavley, Worked at agriculture station with farmers; assignment: animal husbandry.
Lived in San Vicente, Saipan (was drafted into US Army after loosing appeal. one year on
Ben Baker, lawyer, left early, Saipan
Beverly Chumbley, Nurse, Saipan
Carrie Oliver, Nurse, Saipan
Carolyn Lazarecki, Secretary, Saipan
Charles Sexton, left early, TESL, Saipan
Charles Smith, TESL, Tinian
Clair Howard, TESL, Rota
Cynthia Howarth, Left early, Secretary, Saipan
Daniel Zebo, left early, TESL, Saipan
David Carlson, Architect, Saipan
David Crutcher, TESL, Saipan
Ernest Dinsmore, TESL, Saipan
Ernestine Barrier, left early, T/S.E., Saipan
Fay Nelson Giordano, TESL Rota School & Librarian, MicrOlympics, Rota
Frank Vogel, left early, TESL, Saipan
George Will, TESL, Math and Social Studies teacher Rota School. Also Math teacher trainer, Adult
Ed. & Typhoon "proof" house construction, Rota
Gregory Bennett, left early, TESL, Saipan
James Smith, Civil Engineer, Saipan
John Everton, left early, TESL, Saipan
John Whitbeck, TESL, Saipan
Kathy Bradbury, Business Advisor, Saipan
Leslie Reid, left early,TESL, Saipan
Linda Jones, TESL, Saipan
Loretta Zebo, left early, TESL, Saipan
Lynda Crutcher, TESL,Saipan
Michael Steward, TESL, Saipan
“MZ” (Mimi) Morgan, Hearing/Vision screening,TESL & SpecEd teacher Mt Carmel School,
MicrOlympics, Saipan
Neil Rovner, left early, TESL, Saipan
Nina Rovner, left early, TESL, Saipan
Patricia Toll, left early, TESL, Saipan
Paul Hayes, Lawyer, Saipan
Peter Wellman, left early, TESL, Saipan
Phil Koprowski, TESL, Tinian
Roger Toll, left early, TESL, Saipan
Ralph Chumbley, TESL, Saipan
Robert Kelly, Agriculture, Saipan
Robert Fox, Civil Engineer, Saipan
Rosemary Sexton, left early, Nurse, Saipan
Sheila Vogel, left early, TESL, Saipan
Stephen Weinstein, TESL, Alamagan (PC Directory says Saipan & Agrigan)
Susan Steward, TESL, Saipan
Ted Goble, Business Advisor-Economic Development Capitol Hill. Also swim coach, taught
bookkeeping Marianas HighSchool & Univ of Guam extension course in accounting. Lived in Susupe yr 1 & off Beach Rd yr 2. Saipan
Tom Fisher, TESL, Saipan
Tom Zink, 1st year: Oleai Elem School 4-7, ESL & PE, 2nr year Hopwood Jr High 7-9, coach Oleai School, Civic team soccer, Saipan
Vicky Howard, TESL, Rota
training Staff
Frank Chong, PC Marianas
Jim Phipps, TESL
Joanne Emmett, TESL
John Phillips, Marianas Language Coordinator
Kit Porter, PCV Micro V, TESL
Kurt Barnes, PE Coordinator (came to Saipan (1966)
Sam Duval, TESL
Scott Foreman, PCV Micro I, also PE Coordinator
language and culture training staff
Connie Olopai Foreman, Chamorro & Carolinian Language teacher
Danny Quitugua, Chamorro Language Teacher
Lino Olopai, Chamorro & Carolinian Language Teacher
Louis Tenorio, Chamorro Language Teacher
Louis Wabol, Chamorro & Carolinian Language Teacher
Sister Juanita, Chamorro Language Teacher
Sister Rosa, Chamorro Language Teacher
Sister Trinidad, Chamorro Language Teacher
Dusty Nusbaum, Saipan
Gregg Johnson, Saipan
Helena Hensley, Saipan
Jean Bolger Olopai, Saipan
John Briganti, Saipan (1969-70 PC Directory)
Karl Smith, Saipan
Larry Johnson, Rota
Melvin McKibbon, Tinian
Pete Espinosa, Saipan
Phyllis Johnson, Saipan
Richard T. Bickman, Saipan
Rosemary Casey, Rota
Steve Nusbaum, Saipan
Stuart Wagner, Saipan & Agrigan
Susan Wagner, Saipan & Agrigan
Thelma McKibbon, Tinian
Names from Micronesia IX Training program picture/bios of Trainees Booklet (not all became volunteers in the NMI). --Names added.
Betty Crowder (name added)
Beverly B. Miller
Charles B. Ferguson
Charles B. Frear
Cherly Adamson Savello (name added)
Claire J. McManus
Clifford R. York
Cynthia C. Burrell
Dana M. Ferguson
Daniel B. Wilson; ESL teacher Mt Carmel Saipan; Head start and Mayor’s Office, Rota
David A. Ross
Diane F. York
Donald E. Johnson
Donald J. Armand
Elizabeth G.Hotchkiss (PC Directory)
Gayle A. Peters
James M. Peters
Janice M. Armand
Jim Crowder (name added)
John A. Burrell
John R. Stefanovich
Kitty Lee Wilkomn
Michael A. White, Saipan
Paul A. Savello
Ralph McGee (name added)
Rebecca W. Johnson
Rebecca R. Wilson; ESL teacher Hopwood Saipan; Land Management, Rota
Robert A. Ewing
Robert C. Sloom
Robert J. Bartolotta, Math & Social Studies teacher/teacher trainer, Rota
Thomas D. McManus
William J. Wilkomn
William S. Miller
Betty Stackbrower
Jean Lichter
Jerry Fornelia
John Simpson
Lucia Ortiz y Garcia
Ron Daley, Rota
Richard Parma (1971-1974)
Susie Jacquette (listed as Susette, 1975-77 in PC Directory)
David Wiseman, Rota ?
Volunteers (Marianas) – all were teachers
Rita S. Carpenter – from Austin, TX – terminated JUL 1971
Joseph M. Campbell – from Denver, CO – Saipan
Dolores A. Cappelluzzo – from Dix Hills, NY – Saipan – terminated 20 JAN 1972 (married Larry Mynars)
George L. Christian – from Olivette, MO – Saipan? (he maybe went home and married)
Ronald R. Daley – from Lewiston, MN – Rota – extended on Rota
Joel W. Fleischer – from Pembroke Pines, FL – Saipan
David G. Gentry – from West Springfield, MA – Saipan
Ethel A. Hanson – from Missoula, MT – Saipan
Barbara L. Kojis – from Minnetonka, MN – Saipan
Grace Lee – from North Hollywood, CA – Saipan (wife of Robert) – went on to be a PCV in Colombia
Robert S. Lee – from North Hollywood, CA – Saipan (husband of Grace) – went on to be a PCV in Colombia
William T. Lichter – from New York, NY – Saipan – previously a PCV in the Philippines
Jan C. McElroy – from Trenton, MI – Saipan (wife of John)
John R. McElroy – from Trenton, MI – Saipan (husband of Jan)
Jane D. Miller – from Ogden, IA – Saipan (married math instructor Bill Lichter)
Stephen M. Moore – from Tacoma, WA – Saipan – terminated JUN 1972
James R. Moses – from Portland, MI – Tinian – extended on Saipan, then stayed on Saipan until MAR 1979 under contract with Education Department
Lawrence L. Mynars – from Northbrook, IL – Saipan – terminated FEB 1972 (married Dolores Cappelluzzo)
Todd C. Nelson – from Lynbrook, NY – Saipan – terminated 30 APR 1972
Kristian T. Nielsen – from New Britain, CT – Saipan – terminated 15 JAN 1972 (husband of Marie, father of Kristian and Ann Marie)
Kristian T. Nielsen – age 8 – from New Britain, CT – Saipan – left 15 JAN 1972 (child of Kristian and Marie)
Marie A. Nielsen – from New Britain, CT – Saipan – terminated 15 JAN 1972 (wife of Kristian, mother of Kristian and Ann Marie)
Ann Marie Nielsen – age 5 – from New Britain, CT – Saipan – left 15 JAN 1972 (child of Kristian and Marie)
Richard J. Parma – from Ennis, TX – Rota
David W. Prince – from Bayside, NY – Saipan (married Nadine Pawlak – PCV on Ponape, AUG 1972)
Norman J. Quinn – from Northbook, IL – Saipan
Joe C. Rice – from Friday Harbor, WA – Saipan – stayed on Saipan under contract – previously a PCV in Afghanistan
Pamela G. Rice – from Friday Harbor, WA – Saipan – stayed on Saipan (under contract?) – previously a PCV in Afghanistan
Rebecca J. Rodning – from Lancaster, CA – terminated AUG 1971
Steven A. Sarada – from Denver, CO – Saipan
Randolph H. Schneider – from Belle Harbor, NY – Saipan
Jerald A. Simonsen – from Cambridge, WI – Saipan
John M. Simpson – from Seattle, WA – Saipan
Christina E. Smith – from Berkeley, CA – Agrihan – extended on Agrihan
Edward W. Titus – from Berkeley, CA – Agrihan – extended on Agrihan
Mary Lou Tudor – from Livingston, MT – Tinian
Theodore T. Tyson – from Napa, CA – Saipan
Wilma A. Woods – from South Lake Tahoe, CA – Saipan – terminated MAR 1973
27 of our 38 people finished the two years (the two children who left are counted as part of the 38, as well as the staff member who married a Volunteer), and four extended their PCV experience in the Marianas, while 2 extended by going to Colombia.
Art Mersereau – Training Officer
Pepeekeo Staff
Jack Colbert – Training Coordinator
Gaylen Suzuki – Administrative Assistant
Jeanette Teshima – Site Secretary
Ki Choon Lee – Language Specialist (Chamorro)
Ingrid K. Daniels – Cross-Cultural Specialist
Gordon MacLean – Trainee Counselor
Douglas K. Turbill – Math Specialist
Felix R. Fitial – Math Instructor
William T. Lichter – Math Instructor
Bonnie Tank – Math Instructor
Sister Trinidad Benavente – Chamorro Language Instructor
Maria Mafnas – Chamorro Language Instructor – married Ponape language instructor John P. Rosario 21 AUG 1971 at Pepeekeo
Susana Mafnas – Chamorro Language Instructor
Miguel I. Kileleman – Chamorro Language Instructor
Prepedigna P. Kileleman – Chamorro Language Instructor
Oscar M. Sablan – Chamorro Language Instructor
Florence R. Selepeo – Chamorro Language Instructor
Louis A. Tenorio – Chamorro Language Instructor
Ramon G. Villagomez – Chamorro Language Instructor
Honomu Staff (for science)
Howard Takata – Science Specialist
Don Romero – Science Instructor
Gus Castro – Science Instructor
Hilo Staff (for TESL)
Vicky Bunye – TESL Specialist
Marsha Bollinger – TESL Instructor
Bill Carlon – TESL Instructor
Steve Gallon – TESL Instructor
Charles Gillon – TESL Instructor
Laura Markub – TESL Instructor
Art Mergist – TESL Instructor
Herman Sablan – TESL Instructor
Andrew Siro – TESL Instructor
Osey Smith – TESL Instructor
Hilo Staff (for vocational education, etc.)
Jack Davis – Vocational Education Specialist
Bob Detter - education Rota or Tinian
Candice Detter - education Rota or Tinian
Judy Johnson - education
Barbara Lentz - librarian at elementary school then ESL specialist for Marianas Variety
Marty Lentz - Teacher Jr High
Nadine Prince - Agrigan or Alamagan
David Prince - Agrigan or Alamagan
David Rice - education
Carol Schinder - nurse
Randy Spada - education Rota or Tinian
Rachel Spada - education Rota or Tinian
Probably trained on Saipan at the Peace Corps Micronesia Headquarters building in Chalan Kanoa.
Kristine Gjemre, Teacher, Garapan Elementary School, Saipan
Cora Salazar, Secretarial Trainer, Saipan
Edward Schoenberger, Teacher Chalan Kanoa Elementary School, Saipan
Monica Zubko, Science Teacher, Hopwood Jr. High, Saipan
Joseph Zubiko, Social Studies Teacher, Hopwood Jr. High, Saipan
Joanne Bogart, Elementary School Teacher, Agrighan
Kris Bogart, Elementary School Teacher, Agrighan
Aaron L. Grossman, Mayor's Assistant, Rota
Gerald Maier, Commissioner Assistant, later District Planning Office, Saipan
Barbara Milsteen (Zycherman), Secondary School Teacher, Saipan
Scott Russell, Commissioner Assistant, later Social Studies Teacher, Hopwood Jr. High and
District Planning Office, Saipan
John P. Schwarz, Commissioner Assistant, Saipan
Terry Townsend, Commissioner Assistant and High School Teacher, Mt. Carmel School, Saipan
Dennis Vandertuig, Commissioner Assistant and later District Planning Office, Saipan
Stephen C. Woodruff, Commissioner Assistant, Saipan
Joseph Zycherman, Secondary School Teacher, Saipan
training staff
Brad Dude
Ken Baer
Maybe more
language and culture training staff
Antonio Cabrera, Chamorro language teacher
Unsure of name of Carolinian teacher.
Tom McIntyre
Dan Fitzgerald, Financial Consultant, Saipan
other, left after a few months, Saipan
"PC volunteers on Rota in 1977. We were the last PC volunteers in the NMI."
Faythe Wiseman, Rota
David Wiseman, Rota
PC Staff [Very Incomplete]
Alice Miles
Dirk Ballendorf
George Thornton, Assessment Officer
Jerry Fite, PC Marianas District Director
Jessie McElroy, District Director (MI)
John Pincetich, PC Micronesia Country Director
Judy Stone , Assessment Officer
Roger Flather, Country Director
Ward Miles, Doctor (PC MI)
-- Pat and John McCormack volunteers in Chuuk, Marshall Islands staff, and time on Saipan.
-- Howard Takata was Training and Program officer for PC/Micronesia.
-- Jon Keeton was a Micronesia Desk officer for PC/Washington.
-- Tom Carter did PC training programs in Saipan and Palau.
-- Ron Gillespie was Program and Training Officer for Peace Corps/Micronesia on Saipan
-- Tom Warren was Country Director ,
-- Marylou Tudor
Some Sources
- Feb 15, 1968 memo listing assignments by school and duties for 42 PCVs working in education and TESL in the NMI.
- National Peace Corps Association: The Directory of returned Peace Corps Volunteers and Staff 1961-1997
- The Peace Corps Micronesia Handbook, Sept 1967
Content Below is Incomplete: last updated 4/04/2022
+ Memorial/Obituary linked to names in blue
- Do not know Micro Group/when served in NMI
Betsy Miller (PC Directory rc) Micro?
Jason & Mary E. Nason 1977-78 (PC Directory) Micro?
Chuck Sayon (PC Directory rc) Micro?
Chris & MarylouTodd, Tinian Micro?-look at PC list
- Micro I, 1966-1968
Bob Learmonth, Rota
+ Carol Waldrip, TESL on Pagan grades 1-6 and all subjects.
Dave Drake, TESL Chalan Kanoa School, Saipan ?
Dennis O'Neill, was reassigned to a different district & later drafted after appeals denied
Denise Shipp, TESL Chalan Kanoa School, Saipan ?
Fred Blake, TESL grades 1-6 and all subjects, Agrigan
Freddie Been, was reassigned to another district
Gerry Milkie, TESL, math & science at Hopwood High School. 2nd year also taught trig at Mt. Carmel HS Saipan
Jack Colbourn, TESL and Community Development, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan ?
Jim Tellefson, TESL Chalan Kanoa School, Saipan?
Joe Greene, TESL grades 6-9, Math & PE, Tinian
Joyce Anderson, TESL San Roque School, Saipan
Linda Chock Blake, TESL grades 1-3 and all subjects, Agrigan
Marian Stave, TESL Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
Mary McComb, TESL grades 4&7, Curriculum Coordination & Reading, Oleai School, Saipan.Went to Kenya after PC
Mary Goetting, TESL Garapan
Maura Milkie, TESL grade 2 & Curriculum Coordination, Chalan Kanoa School, Saipan
Nancy Elfter, TESL San Antonio School, Saipan
Paul Anderson, TESL San Roque School, Saipan
Scott Foreman, TESL grade 7, PE & School Paper, Chalan Kanoa School, Saipan
Sue Learmonth, TESL grade 7&8, Social Studies & Curriculum Coordination, Rota
Tom Elfter, TESL San Antonio School, Saipan
Wayne Waldrip, TESL grades 1-6 and all subjects, Pagan
Training Language Instructors
Felipe Atalig, Congress ofMicronesia
Felipe Ruak, KJQR radio announcer
Francisco Camacho
Francisco Chong
Francisco M. Diaz
Margaret Seman, nurse
Terry Togawa
- Micro II 1966-1968
Chuck Ronsheimer
Joe Tillotson
John Phillips, Architect, Saipan (Is this the correct group?)
Steve Parker, Saipan, Lawyer with Marianas District Legislature (not sure)
Mary Jackson, Saipan --not sure of group, previously PCV Turkey
Tom Jackson, Saipan --not sure of group. previously PCV Turkey
- Micro III, 1967-1969
Alan Nathan, TESL, Business Ed., College of Guam, Hopwood School, Saipan
Bill Foster. Teacher, Saipan
Kenneth Porter, Lawyer, Saipan
Kit Foster. Teacher, Saipan
Kurt Barnes , ESL & PE teacher, Chalan Kanoa Elem. School. Coach Oleai Women’s Softball team,Saipan
Marty Butler, TESL, PE & Counseling Work-Study, Hopwood, Saipan
Ray Stewart. Lawyer, Saipan
Rose Hultz. Secretary, Saipan
Sally Porter, Assessment & Elem. Teacher Supervisor, Saipan
Training Language Instructors
Felix F Rabauliman
Frank Chong
Herman R Guerrero
- Micro IV, 1967-1969
-Mark Chambers, ESL Chalan Kanoa
Al Snyder,
Ann Snyder (Jean Snyder in 2/15/68 memo: TESL grades 3,4, &7 Chalan Kanoa, Saipan)
Gene Sloan Rota, Saipan, Truk
Lee Toth, Instructor at CCM Nursing School, Saipan
Tom Toth, TESL grades 5-7, Oleai School, Saipan
- Micro V, 1967-1969
Events: Typhoon Gilda Oct 1967, Typhoon Jean April 1968, MicrOlympics July 1969
Anne Doorn, TESL grades 4&5, music & library, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
Arthur Mergist, TESL grades 3&4 San Roque-Tanapag, Saipan
Barb Milosovich, TESL & Secretarial Studies, Hopwood, Saipan
Betty Carlson Morris, TESL grade 3, Curriculum Coordination, & CAA Work Study, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
+ Carlos/Carl Viti, Journalist, Saipan (Carlos in 1970s publications; Carl in 1996 memorial
In memo: TESL grades 4,6,7, Chalan Kanoa & Reporter "Marianas Bulletin"
Carol Brill Herrera, TESL grades 2&4, Curriculum Coordination, CAA Work Study Mt
Carmel, Saipan
Carol Mihalko TESL grades 1-4 & Home Arts, Tinian (check if location correct)
Charlene Baldwin, TESL, Saipan San Roque-Tanapag
Owen Baldwin, ESL Saipan San Roque-Tanapag
Dan Doorn, TESL grades 4&5, PE, Art, CAA Work Study, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
Dennis Brennan, TESL, Pagan (check: listed for Hopwood grades 6&7)
Dianne Wildman, ESL teacher Chalan Kanoa School & Hopwood. Also traveling puppet theater,Saipan
Dwight Ovitt, Saipan (PC Directory says 66-68)
Elayne Halpern Shapiro, TESL grades 1-3, Curriculum Coordination & Reading, Oleai School,Saipan
Greg Porter, TESL grades 3,4,&5, Rota
Jane Dickey Pidgeon, TESL grade 2, Music & Library, Chalan Kanoa SchoolSaipan
John Leekley, TESL grades 5&6, Chalan Kanoa. Congress of Micronesia, Saipan
June Kirkpatrick, TESL grades 1,4,5,&6, Language Arts, Math & Music Garapan, Saipan
Karen Oswald, TESL grades 3&4 & CAA Counseling, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
Kit Porter (Van Meter), TESL grades 1,2,6 ,Curriculum Coordination, library, Rota
Marie Leekley, TESL grades 5-7, Curriculum Coordination, Demo Teacher, CAA Work Study,
Hotel Training, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan
Norm Shapiro, Photographer, Saipan
P. Fred Kluge, Journalist, Saipan
Richard Baldwin, TESL, Saipan
Stephen Gardner, Saipan
Stu Meyers, TESL grades 1,2,4 Chalan Kanoa & College of Guam, Saipan
Teresa Maebori, TESL grades 1-3, Oleai School, Saipan
Wayne Hill, TESL grades 4-7, Oleai School, Saipan
Training Language Instructors
Ana Cabrera
Felix Rabauliman
Frank Warakai
Juan Lizama
Luis Tenorio
Maria Mafnas
Pedro Nakatsukasa, left early
Ramon Villagomez, left early
Training Staff (very incomplete)
Carole M
Gerry Milkie, PCV Micro I
Lee Toth, staff nurse. PCV Micro IV
Maura Milkie, PCV Micro I
Sam Duval
Tom Toth, Micro IV
PC Marianas Staff
Jerry Fite, Director
Dr Thomas Haverbush, Physician
Frank Chong, Assistant
Barbara Milesevich, Volunteer Secretary
- Micro VI, 1967-1969
Ron McDougal, Saipan-ESL Hopwood (1967-68) and Agrigan(1968-1970). Employed on Saipan-TT Dept of Ed 1970-1974
Ruth McDougal Dorrough, Saipan-Instructor of Nursing ( (1967-68) and Agrigan-Teacher and nurse
(1968-1970)). Mother on Saipan-not PCV 1970-1974
Steve Sander, Rota, lawyer, NMI Judicary 8/31/67 to 2/20/69;
Pam Sherer, Rota, nurse. 8/31/67 to 2/11/69
Jim Sherer, Rota, Agriculture 8/31/67 to 2/11/69
Dwight Ovitt, Saipan 8/31/67 to 7/29/69
- Micro VII, 1968-1970
Alyce Koprowski, TESL, Tinian
Andrew Pavley, Worked at agriculture station with farmers; assignment: animal husbandry.
Lived in San Vicente, Saipan (was drafted into US Army after loosing appeal. one year on
Ben Baker, lawyer, left early, Saipan
Beverly Chumbley, Nurse, Saipan
Carrie Oliver, Nurse, Saipan
Carolyn Lazarecki, Secretary, Saipan
Charles Sexton, left early, TESL, Saipan
Charles Smith, TESL, Tinian
Clair Howard, TESL, Rota
Cynthia Howarth, Left early, Secretary, Saipan
Daniel Zebo, left early, TESL, Saipan
David Carlson, Architect, Saipan
David Crutcher, TESL, Saipan
Ernest Dinsmore, TESL, Saipan
Ernestine Barrier, left early, T/S.E., Saipan
Fay Nelson Giordano, TESL Rota School & Librarian, MicrOlympics, Rota
Frank Vogel, left early, TESL, Saipan
George Will, TESL, Math and Social Studies teacher Rota School. Also Math teacher trainer, Adult
Ed. & Typhoon "proof" house construction, Rota
Gregory Bennett, left early, TESL, Saipan
James Smith, Civil Engineer, Saipan
John Everton, left early, TESL, Saipan
John Whitbeck, TESL, Saipan
Kathy Bradbury, Business Advisor, Saipan
Leslie Reid, left early,TESL, Saipan
Linda Jones, TESL, Saipan
Loretta Zebo, left early, TESL, Saipan
Lynda Crutcher, TESL,Saipan
Michael Steward, TESL, Saipan
“MZ” (Mimi) Morgan, Hearing/Vision screening,TESL & SpecEd teacher Mt Carmel School,
MicrOlympics, Saipan
Neil Rovner, left early, TESL, Saipan
Nina Rovner, left early, TESL, Saipan
Patricia Toll, left early, TESL, Saipan
Paul Hayes, Lawyer, Saipan
Peter Wellman, left early, TESL, Saipan
Phil Koprowski, TESL, Tinian
Roger Toll, left early, TESL, Saipan
Ralph Chumbley, TESL, Saipan
Robert Kelly, Agriculture, Saipan
Robert Fox, Civil Engineer, Saipan
Rosemary Sexton, left early, Nurse, Saipan
Sheila Vogel, left early, TESL, Saipan
Stephen Weinstein, TESL, Alamagan (PC Directory says Saipan & Agrigan)
Susan Steward, TESL, Saipan
Ted Goble, Business Advisor-Economic Development Capitol Hill. Also swim coach, taught
bookkeeping Marianas HighSchool & Univ of Guam extension course in accounting. Lived in Susupe yr 1 & off Beach Rd yr 2. Saipan
Tom Fisher, TESL, Saipan
Tom Zink, 1st year: Oleai Elem School 4-7, ESL & PE, 2nr year Hopwood Jr High 7-9, coach Oleai School, Civic team soccer, Saipan
Vicky Howard, TESL, Rota
training Staff
Frank Chong, PC Marianas
Jim Phipps, TESL
Joanne Emmett, TESL
John Phillips, Marianas Language Coordinator
Kit Porter, PCV Micro V, TESL
Kurt Barnes, PE Coordinator (came to Saipan (1966)
Sam Duval, TESL
Scott Foreman, PCV Micro I, also PE Coordinator
language and culture training staff
Connie Olopai Foreman, Chamorro & Carolinian Language teacher
Danny Quitugua, Chamorro Language Teacher
Lino Olopai, Chamorro & Carolinian Language Teacher
Louis Tenorio, Chamorro Language Teacher
Louis Wabol, Chamorro & Carolinian Language Teacher
Sister Juanita, Chamorro Language Teacher
Sister Rosa, Chamorro Language Teacher
Sister Trinidad, Chamorro Language Teacher
- Micro VIII, 1969 - 1971
Dusty Nusbaum, Saipan
Gregg Johnson, Saipan
Helena Hensley, Saipan
Jean Bolger Olopai, Saipan
John Briganti, Saipan (1969-70 PC Directory)
Karl Smith, Saipan
Larry Johnson, Rota
Melvin McKibbon, Tinian
Pete Espinosa, Saipan
Phyllis Johnson, Saipan
Richard T. Bickman, Saipan
Rosemary Casey, Rota
Steve Nusbaum, Saipan
Stuart Wagner, Saipan & Agrigan
Susan Wagner, Saipan & Agrigan
Thelma McKibbon, Tinian
- Micro IX, 1970-1972
Names from Micronesia IX Training program picture/bios of Trainees Booklet (not all became volunteers in the NMI). --Names added.
Betty Crowder (name added)
Beverly B. Miller
Charles B. Ferguson
Charles B. Frear
Cherly Adamson Savello (name added)
Claire J. McManus
Clifford R. York
Cynthia C. Burrell
Dana M. Ferguson
Daniel B. Wilson; ESL teacher Mt Carmel Saipan; Head start and Mayor’s Office, Rota
David A. Ross
Diane F. York
Donald E. Johnson
Donald J. Armand
Elizabeth G.Hotchkiss (PC Directory)
Gayle A. Peters
James M. Peters
Janice M. Armand
Jim Crowder (name added)
John A. Burrell
John R. Stefanovich
Kitty Lee Wilkomn
Michael A. White, Saipan
Paul A. Savello
Ralph McGee (name added)
Rebecca W. Johnson
Rebecca R. Wilson; ESL teacher Hopwood Saipan; Land Management, Rota
Robert A. Ewing
Robert C. Sloom
Robert J. Bartolotta, Math & Social Studies teacher/teacher trainer, Rota
Thomas D. McManus
William J. Wilkomn
William S. Miller
- Micro X, 1971-1973
Betty Stackbrower
Jean Lichter
Jerry Fornelia
John Simpson
Lucia Ortiz y Garcia
Ron Daley, Rota
Richard Parma (1971-1974)
Susie Jacquette (listed as Susette, 1975-77 in PC Directory)
David Wiseman, Rota ?
- Micro XI, 1971-1973
Volunteers (Marianas) – all were teachers
Rita S. Carpenter – from Austin, TX – terminated JUL 1971
Joseph M. Campbell – from Denver, CO – Saipan
Dolores A. Cappelluzzo – from Dix Hills, NY – Saipan – terminated 20 JAN 1972 (married Larry Mynars)
George L. Christian – from Olivette, MO – Saipan? (he maybe went home and married)
Ronald R. Daley – from Lewiston, MN – Rota – extended on Rota
Joel W. Fleischer – from Pembroke Pines, FL – Saipan
David G. Gentry – from West Springfield, MA – Saipan
Ethel A. Hanson – from Missoula, MT – Saipan
Barbara L. Kojis – from Minnetonka, MN – Saipan
Grace Lee – from North Hollywood, CA – Saipan (wife of Robert) – went on to be a PCV in Colombia
Robert S. Lee – from North Hollywood, CA – Saipan (husband of Grace) – went on to be a PCV in Colombia
William T. Lichter – from New York, NY – Saipan – previously a PCV in the Philippines
Jan C. McElroy – from Trenton, MI – Saipan (wife of John)
John R. McElroy – from Trenton, MI – Saipan (husband of Jan)
Jane D. Miller – from Ogden, IA – Saipan (married math instructor Bill Lichter)
Stephen M. Moore – from Tacoma, WA – Saipan – terminated JUN 1972
James R. Moses – from Portland, MI – Tinian – extended on Saipan, then stayed on Saipan until MAR 1979 under contract with Education Department
Lawrence L. Mynars – from Northbrook, IL – Saipan – terminated FEB 1972 (married Dolores Cappelluzzo)
Todd C. Nelson – from Lynbrook, NY – Saipan – terminated 30 APR 1972
Kristian T. Nielsen – from New Britain, CT – Saipan – terminated 15 JAN 1972 (husband of Marie, father of Kristian and Ann Marie)
Kristian T. Nielsen – age 8 – from New Britain, CT – Saipan – left 15 JAN 1972 (child of Kristian and Marie)
Marie A. Nielsen – from New Britain, CT – Saipan – terminated 15 JAN 1972 (wife of Kristian, mother of Kristian and Ann Marie)
Ann Marie Nielsen – age 5 – from New Britain, CT – Saipan – left 15 JAN 1972 (child of Kristian and Marie)
Richard J. Parma – from Ennis, TX – Rota
David W. Prince – from Bayside, NY – Saipan (married Nadine Pawlak – PCV on Ponape, AUG 1972)
Norman J. Quinn – from Northbook, IL – Saipan
Joe C. Rice – from Friday Harbor, WA – Saipan – stayed on Saipan under contract – previously a PCV in Afghanistan
Pamela G. Rice – from Friday Harbor, WA – Saipan – stayed on Saipan (under contract?) – previously a PCV in Afghanistan
Rebecca J. Rodning – from Lancaster, CA – terminated AUG 1971
Steven A. Sarada – from Denver, CO – Saipan
Randolph H. Schneider – from Belle Harbor, NY – Saipan
Jerald A. Simonsen – from Cambridge, WI – Saipan
John M. Simpson – from Seattle, WA – Saipan
Christina E. Smith – from Berkeley, CA – Agrihan – extended on Agrihan
Edward W. Titus – from Berkeley, CA – Agrihan – extended on Agrihan
Mary Lou Tudor – from Livingston, MT – Tinian
Theodore T. Tyson – from Napa, CA – Saipan
Wilma A. Woods – from South Lake Tahoe, CA – Saipan – terminated MAR 1973
27 of our 38 people finished the two years (the two children who left are counted as part of the 38, as well as the staff member who married a Volunteer), and four extended their PCV experience in the Marianas, while 2 extended by going to Colombia.
Art Mersereau – Training Officer
Pepeekeo Staff
Jack Colbert – Training Coordinator
Gaylen Suzuki – Administrative Assistant
Jeanette Teshima – Site Secretary
Ki Choon Lee – Language Specialist (Chamorro)
Ingrid K. Daniels – Cross-Cultural Specialist
Gordon MacLean – Trainee Counselor
Douglas K. Turbill – Math Specialist
Felix R. Fitial – Math Instructor
William T. Lichter – Math Instructor
Bonnie Tank – Math Instructor
Sister Trinidad Benavente – Chamorro Language Instructor
Maria Mafnas – Chamorro Language Instructor – married Ponape language instructor John P. Rosario 21 AUG 1971 at Pepeekeo
Susana Mafnas – Chamorro Language Instructor
Miguel I. Kileleman – Chamorro Language Instructor
Prepedigna P. Kileleman – Chamorro Language Instructor
Oscar M. Sablan – Chamorro Language Instructor
Florence R. Selepeo – Chamorro Language Instructor
Louis A. Tenorio – Chamorro Language Instructor
Ramon G. Villagomez – Chamorro Language Instructor
Honomu Staff (for science)
Howard Takata – Science Specialist
Don Romero – Science Instructor
Gus Castro – Science Instructor
Hilo Staff (for TESL)
Vicky Bunye – TESL Specialist
Marsha Bollinger – TESL Instructor
Bill Carlon – TESL Instructor
Steve Gallon – TESL Instructor
Charles Gillon – TESL Instructor
Laura Markub – TESL Instructor
Art Mergist – TESL Instructor
Herman Sablan – TESL Instructor
Andrew Siro – TESL Instructor
Osey Smith – TESL Instructor
Hilo Staff (for vocational education, etc.)
Jack Davis – Vocational Education Specialist
- Micro XII 1972-1974
Bob Detter - education Rota or Tinian
Candice Detter - education Rota or Tinian
Judy Johnson - education
Barbara Lentz - librarian at elementary school then ESL specialist for Marianas Variety
Marty Lentz - Teacher Jr High
Nadine Prince - Agrigan or Alamagan
David Prince - Agrigan or Alamagan
David Rice - education
Carol Schinder - nurse
Randy Spada - education Rota or Tinian
Rachel Spada - education Rota or Tinian
- Micro "76 (Feb)
Probably trained on Saipan at the Peace Corps Micronesia Headquarters building in Chalan Kanoa.
Kristine Gjemre, Teacher, Garapan Elementary School, Saipan
Cora Salazar, Secretarial Trainer, Saipan
Edward Schoenberger, Teacher Chalan Kanoa Elementary School, Saipan
Monica Zubko, Science Teacher, Hopwood Jr. High, Saipan
Joseph Zubiko, Social Studies Teacher, Hopwood Jr. High, Saipan
- Micro '76 (June)
Joanne Bogart, Elementary School Teacher, Agrighan
Kris Bogart, Elementary School Teacher, Agrighan
Aaron L. Grossman, Mayor's Assistant, Rota
Gerald Maier, Commissioner Assistant, later District Planning Office, Saipan
Barbara Milsteen (Zycherman), Secondary School Teacher, Saipan
Scott Russell, Commissioner Assistant, later Social Studies Teacher, Hopwood Jr. High and
District Planning Office, Saipan
John P. Schwarz, Commissioner Assistant, Saipan
Terry Townsend, Commissioner Assistant and High School Teacher, Mt. Carmel School, Saipan
Dennis Vandertuig, Commissioner Assistant and later District Planning Office, Saipan
Stephen C. Woodruff, Commissioner Assistant, Saipan
Joseph Zycherman, Secondary School Teacher, Saipan
training staff
Brad Dude
Ken Baer
Maybe more
language and culture training staff
Antonio Cabrera, Chamorro language teacher
Unsure of name of Carolinian teacher.
- Micro '77?
Tom McIntyre
- Micro XIV (extendee)
Dan Fitzgerald, Financial Consultant, Saipan
other, left after a few months, Saipan
"PC volunteers on Rota in 1977. We were the last PC volunteers in the NMI."
Faythe Wiseman, Rota
David Wiseman, Rota
PC Staff [Very Incomplete]
Alice Miles
Dirk Ballendorf
George Thornton, Assessment Officer
Jerry Fite, PC Marianas District Director
Jessie McElroy, District Director (MI)
John Pincetich, PC Micronesia Country Director
Judy Stone , Assessment Officer
Roger Flather, Country Director
Ward Miles, Doctor (PC MI)
-- Pat and John McCormack volunteers in Chuuk, Marshall Islands staff, and time on Saipan.
-- Howard Takata was Training and Program officer for PC/Micronesia.
-- Jon Keeton was a Micronesia Desk officer for PC/Washington.
-- Tom Carter did PC training programs in Saipan and Palau.
-- Ron Gillespie was Program and Training Officer for Peace Corps/Micronesia on Saipan
-- Tom Warren was Country Director ,
-- Marylou Tudor
Some Sources
- Feb 15, 1968 memo listing assignments by school and duties for 42 PCVs working in education and TESL in the NMI.
- National Peace Corps Association: The Directory of returned Peace Corps Volunteers and Staff 1961-1997
- The Peace Corps Micronesia Handbook, Sept 1967
NMI PCF (Host Families & Supporters of PCVs)
[Very very incomplete]
Calvo Family (Isaac & Maria) Rota -- Off to Rota for two months with the Calvo family and roommate Paul Hayes. Paul and I enjoyed the Spam we had for breakfast, lunch and dinner prepared by Maria Calvo. She made sure we had “American” food. Ted Goble Micro VII
Munro Family (Nan Beata, Rudy, and their three kids—Aniceto, Norbert and Rufina) -- The family that I stayed with (had a room) was the Munro family. They had a house across the street from the three flagpoles also across from the D & E store. Robert B
--I think a George Will “May” have stayed there before me.
Munro Family (Nan Beata, Rudy, and their three kids—Aniceto, Norbert and Rufina) -- The family that I stayed with (had a room) was the Munro family. They had a house across the street from the three flagpoles also across from the D & E store. Robert B
--I think a George Will “May” have stayed there before me.