Training Stories & Information:
1966 - 1968
PC training staff Micronesia & NMI 1967-1977
CURRENTLY (2023) BEING UPDATED 1967 to 1977, PC Training in Micronesia & NMI: brief description, on-site staff lists and photos/stories from Training Programs (when they have been shared). Information from RPCVs, training booklets, memos & hand-outs
Micro I, 1966-1968
Training in Miami & Key West, Little Munson Island (site for "cross-cultural studies"), Florida. Began August 1, 1966; volunteers arrived on Saipan, October 29,1966. Program intended to provide TESL & Community Development. The movie PT 109 about JFK was filmed on Little Munson (Source Gerry Milkie)
Training Language Instructors
Felipe Atalig, Congress of Micronesia
Felipe Ruak, KJQR radio announcer
Francisco Camacho
Francisco Chong
Francisco M. Diaz
Margaret Seman, nurse
Terry Togawa
Micro II 1966-1968
Training one week after Micro l in Molokai, Hawaii. Also called Micro 1. Volunteers arrived on Saipan November 1966
Micro III, 1967-1969
Jan 1967 start. Trained in Miami Beach; Landed on Saipan Jan 31, 1967. (Source Kurt Barnes)
Training Language Instructors
Felix F Rabauliman
Frank Chong
Herman R Guerrero
Micro IV, 1967-1969
One person said trained in Molokai, another said trained on Mainland. Maybe both?
Micro V, 1967-1969
Staging in CA with training on Udot in the Truk/Chuuk Lagoon June-August 1967.
Events: Typhoon Gilda Oct 1967, Typhoon Jean April 1968, MicrOlympics July 1969
Training Language Instructors
Ana Cabrera
Felix Rabauliman
Frank Warakai
Juan Lizama
Luis Tenorio
Maria Mafnas
Pedro Nakatsukasa, left early
Ramon Villagomez, left early
Training Staff (very incomplete)
Carole M
Gerry Milkie, PCV Micro I
Lee Toth, staff nurse. PCV Micro IV
Maura Milkie, PCV Micro I
Sam Duval
Tom Toth, Micro IV
PC Marianas Staff
Jerry Fite, Director
Dr Thomas Haverbush, Physician
Frank Chong, Assistant
Barbara Milesevich, Volunteer Secretary
Micro VI, 1967-1969
Training on Udot in the Truk/Chuuk Lagoon, 1967
Micro VII, 1968-1970
Staging in Escondido, CA- 55 people started training on Rota summer 1968. 41 became PCVs. (Source Fay Nelson Giordano, Peace Corps docs, & other PCVs)
training Staff
Frank Chong, PC Marianas
Jim Phipps, TESL
Joanne Emmett, TESL
John Phillips, Marianas Language Coordinator
Kit Porter, PCV Micro V, TESL
Kurt Barnes, PE Coordinator (came to Saipan (1966)
Sam Duval, TESL
Scott Foreman, PCV Micro I, also PE Coordinator
language and culture training staff
Connie Olopai Foreman, Chamorro & Carolinian Language teacher
Danny Quitugua, Chamorro Language Teacher
Lino Olopai, Chamorro & Carolinian Language Teacher
Louis Tenorio, Chamorro Language Teacher
Louis Wabol, Chamorro & Carolinian Language Teacher
Sister Juanita, Chamorro Language Teacher
Sister Rosa, Chamorro Language Teacher
Sister Trinidad, Chamorro Language Teacher
Micro VIII, 1969 - 1971
Trained on Saipan summer 1969 in San Antonio Village
Micro IX, 1970-1972
Trained at Hopwood on Saipan June - Sept 1970. All Trust Territory volunteers trained together (big ESL group) and then divided into districts. (Source Robert Bartolotta) Micronesia IX Training program picture/bios of Trainees Booklet
Micro X, 1971-1973
Maybe 1971-73 trained San Antonio Village or on Big Island, Hawaii, many in agriculture
Micro XI, 1971-1973
Information submitted by James Moses, from Micro XI Training Manual. Training was at Pepeekeo (language and cross-cultural), Hilo (TESL and vocational education), and Honomu (science), Hawaii from 05 JUL 1971 – 11 SEP 1971 (Univ of Hawaii at Hilo - Center
Art Mersereau – Training Officer
Pepeekeo Staff
Jack Colbert – Training Coordinator
Gaylen Suzuki – Administrative Assistant
Jeanette Teshima – Site Secretary
Ki Choon Lee – Language Specialist (Chamorro)
Ingrid K. Daniels – Cross-Cultural Specialist
Gordon MacLean – Trainee Counselor
Douglas K. Turbill – Math Specialist
Felix R. Fitial – Math Instructor
William T. Lichter – Math Instructor
Bonnie Tank – Math Instructor
Chamorro Language Instructor
Sister Trinidad Benavente – Chamorro Language Instructor
Maria Mafnas ( married Ponape language instructor John P. Rosario 21 AUG 1971 at Pepeekeo)
Susana Mafnas
Miguel I. Kileleman
Prepedigna P. Kileleman
Oscar M. Sablan
Florence R. Selepeo
Louis A. Tenorio
Ramon G. Villagomez
Honomu Staff (for science)
Howard Takata – Science Specialist
Don Romero – Science Instructor
Gus Castro – Science Instructor
Hilo Staff (for TESL)
Vicky Bunye – TESL Specialist
TESL Instructor
Marsha Bollinger
Bill Carlon
Steve Gallon
Charles Gillon
Laura Markub
Art Mergist
Herman Sablan
Andrew Siro
Osey Smith
Hilo Staff (for vocational education, etc.)
Jack Davis – Vocational Education Specialist
Micro XII 1972-1974
Staging in San Jose, CA with all Micronesia trainees then NMI on to training on Saipan. Information provided by Marty & Barbara Lentz who came to Saipan with sons Scott (3) & Brian (almost 2) and were among the first family PCVs
Micro "76 (Feb)
Began in February 1974. (Source "Peace Corps Volunteers in Micronesia, Jan 1976" & SR)
Probably trained on Saipan at the Peace Corps Micronesia Headquarters building in Chalan Kanoa.
Micro '76 (June)
Began in June 1974. (Source "Peace Corps Volunteers in Micronesia, Jan 1976" & SR) Trained on Saipan at the Peace Corps Micronesia Headquarters building in Chalan Kanoa (two months from June through mid-August).
training staff
Brad Dude
Ken Baer
Maybe more
language and culture training staff
Antonio Cabrera, Chamorro language teacher
Unsure of name of Carolinian teacher.
Micro '77?
Arrived 1975?
Micro XIV (extendee)
Arrived in 1976; trained with FSM group, ? Location, 2 PCVs (source: SR & DF)
CURRENTLY (2023) BEING UPDATED 1967 to 1977, PC Training in Micronesia & NMI: brief description, on-site staff lists and photos/stories from Training Programs (when they have been shared). Information from RPCVs, training booklets, memos & hand-outs
Micro I, 1966-1968
Training in Miami & Key West, Little Munson Island (site for "cross-cultural studies"), Florida. Began August 1, 1966; volunteers arrived on Saipan, October 29,1966. Program intended to provide TESL & Community Development. The movie PT 109 about JFK was filmed on Little Munson (Source Gerry Milkie)
Training Language Instructors
Felipe Atalig, Congress of Micronesia
Felipe Ruak, KJQR radio announcer
Francisco Camacho
Francisco Chong
Francisco M. Diaz
Margaret Seman, nurse
Terry Togawa
Micro II 1966-1968
Training one week after Micro l in Molokai, Hawaii. Also called Micro 1. Volunteers arrived on Saipan November 1966
Micro III, 1967-1969
Jan 1967 start. Trained in Miami Beach; Landed on Saipan Jan 31, 1967. (Source Kurt Barnes)
Training Language Instructors
Felix F Rabauliman
Frank Chong
Herman R Guerrero
Micro IV, 1967-1969
One person said trained in Molokai, another said trained on Mainland. Maybe both?
Micro V, 1967-1969
Staging in CA with training on Udot in the Truk/Chuuk Lagoon June-August 1967.
Events: Typhoon Gilda Oct 1967, Typhoon Jean April 1968, MicrOlympics July 1969
Training Language Instructors
Ana Cabrera
Felix Rabauliman
Frank Warakai
Juan Lizama
Luis Tenorio
Maria Mafnas
Pedro Nakatsukasa, left early
Ramon Villagomez, left early
Training Staff (very incomplete)
Carole M
Gerry Milkie, PCV Micro I
Lee Toth, staff nurse. PCV Micro IV
Maura Milkie, PCV Micro I
Sam Duval
Tom Toth, Micro IV
PC Marianas Staff
Jerry Fite, Director
Dr Thomas Haverbush, Physician
Frank Chong, Assistant
Barbara Milesevich, Volunteer Secretary
Micro VI, 1967-1969
Training on Udot in the Truk/Chuuk Lagoon, 1967
Micro VII, 1968-1970
Staging in Escondido, CA- 55 people started training on Rota summer 1968. 41 became PCVs. (Source Fay Nelson Giordano, Peace Corps docs, & other PCVs)
training Staff
Frank Chong, PC Marianas
Jim Phipps, TESL
Joanne Emmett, TESL
John Phillips, Marianas Language Coordinator
Kit Porter, PCV Micro V, TESL
Kurt Barnes, PE Coordinator (came to Saipan (1966)
Sam Duval, TESL
Scott Foreman, PCV Micro I, also PE Coordinator
language and culture training staff
Connie Olopai Foreman, Chamorro & Carolinian Language teacher
Danny Quitugua, Chamorro Language Teacher
Lino Olopai, Chamorro & Carolinian Language Teacher
Louis Tenorio, Chamorro Language Teacher
Louis Wabol, Chamorro & Carolinian Language Teacher
Sister Juanita, Chamorro Language Teacher
Sister Rosa, Chamorro Language Teacher
Sister Trinidad, Chamorro Language Teacher
Micro VIII, 1969 - 1971
Trained on Saipan summer 1969 in San Antonio Village
Micro IX, 1970-1972
Trained at Hopwood on Saipan June - Sept 1970. All Trust Territory volunteers trained together (big ESL group) and then divided into districts. (Source Robert Bartolotta) Micronesia IX Training program picture/bios of Trainees Booklet
Micro X, 1971-1973
Maybe 1971-73 trained San Antonio Village or on Big Island, Hawaii, many in agriculture
Micro XI, 1971-1973
Information submitted by James Moses, from Micro XI Training Manual. Training was at Pepeekeo (language and cross-cultural), Hilo (TESL and vocational education), and Honomu (science), Hawaii from 05 JUL 1971 – 11 SEP 1971 (Univ of Hawaii at Hilo - Center
Art Mersereau – Training Officer
Pepeekeo Staff
Jack Colbert – Training Coordinator
Gaylen Suzuki – Administrative Assistant
Jeanette Teshima – Site Secretary
Ki Choon Lee – Language Specialist (Chamorro)
Ingrid K. Daniels – Cross-Cultural Specialist
Gordon MacLean – Trainee Counselor
Douglas K. Turbill – Math Specialist
Felix R. Fitial – Math Instructor
William T. Lichter – Math Instructor
Bonnie Tank – Math Instructor
Chamorro Language Instructor
Sister Trinidad Benavente – Chamorro Language Instructor
Maria Mafnas ( married Ponape language instructor John P. Rosario 21 AUG 1971 at Pepeekeo)
Susana Mafnas
Miguel I. Kileleman
Prepedigna P. Kileleman
Oscar M. Sablan
Florence R. Selepeo
Louis A. Tenorio
Ramon G. Villagomez
Honomu Staff (for science)
Howard Takata – Science Specialist
Don Romero – Science Instructor
Gus Castro – Science Instructor
Hilo Staff (for TESL)
Vicky Bunye – TESL Specialist
TESL Instructor
Marsha Bollinger
Bill Carlon
Steve Gallon
Charles Gillon
Laura Markub
Art Mergist
Herman Sablan
Andrew Siro
Osey Smith
Hilo Staff (for vocational education, etc.)
Jack Davis – Vocational Education Specialist
Micro XII 1972-1974
Staging in San Jose, CA with all Micronesia trainees then NMI on to training on Saipan. Information provided by Marty & Barbara Lentz who came to Saipan with sons Scott (3) & Brian (almost 2) and were among the first family PCVs
Micro "76 (Feb)
Began in February 1974. (Source "Peace Corps Volunteers in Micronesia, Jan 1976" & SR)
Probably trained on Saipan at the Peace Corps Micronesia Headquarters building in Chalan Kanoa.
Micro '76 (June)
Began in June 1974. (Source "Peace Corps Volunteers in Micronesia, Jan 1976" & SR) Trained on Saipan at the Peace Corps Micronesia Headquarters building in Chalan Kanoa (two months from June through mid-August).
training staff
Brad Dude
Ken Baer
Maybe more
language and culture training staff
Antonio Cabrera, Chamorro language teacher
Unsure of name of Carolinian teacher.
Micro '77?
Arrived 1975?
Micro XIV (extendee)
Arrived in 1976; trained with FSM group, ? Location, 2 PCVs (source: SR & DF)